Local 412
Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive
Oct 15, 2022

Donations can be made through

PayPal @dearbornffburndrive

Cash App $burndrive

Venmo @dearbornburndrive

Sep 06, 2022

Upcoming 2025 Events

Camaro Raffle - TBA

Bass Tournament - July 12th

Corn Booth at Homecoming - TBA

Golf Outing - TBA

Pumpkin Patch - TBA

Santa at the Smokehouse - TBA

Aug 26, 2007

Dearborn Firefighters

Burn  Drive



The Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive was established over fifty years ago.  The
dedicated firefighters of the Dearborn Firefighters Local 412 along with their families
friends and volunteers have dedicated hours for one purpose, to help sick and burned

children and there families.

Our motto "It's For The Kids" was coined by Retired Fire Captain Danny
Davis. Continuing with the proud traditions of those that came before us.  Our
Burn Drive

members donate 100% of their time.  In addition, 100% of all donations made to the
Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive is used by the Burn Drive for those in need and the cost
of raising money for those in need.

Again, all your donations are given to the Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive. Nobody associated

with the Burn Drive receives a salary, stipend, tip or pay of any kind for their work with the

Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive. The firefighters of Dearborn Firefighters Local 412, their family,

friends and other community volunteers donate 100% of their time.  

The Dearborn Firefighters burn drive has raised over $1,500,000 since it's creation.  We
have also placed over $550,000 in various endowments funds.   Our donations have
helped countless people who have suffered the ravaging effects of a burn injury.   We
have donated money people can use for medical bills, equipment and in some cases
travel and lodging for families when they need to temporally relocate to an area with
a Burn Center for treatment.  

Over the years our organization has branched our fingers of donation to include
treatment from cancer or disease for the families of children suffering from such.  
Although most of our donations are made to children, their families and hospitals, we
do donate money to adults in an extenuating circumstance. 
The Dearborn

Firefighters Burn Drive is both a fund raising organization and a committee.  

The Committee meets on a regular basis.  We consider all requests for a
donation at those meetings.  Whether a request is granted is decided by the
committee based on the individuals actual monetary need, family circumstance, type
of injury/illness and expected recovery time.  The committee grants requests based on
a majority vote.  There is no standard donation and no expectation of any donation
amount should be assumed by any person or organization.

Please take a moment to see how our organization has made a difference in the lives
of so many people.  Then decide if you think the Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive is the

type of organization you would be pleased to donate too.  

Thank you for taking the time to read about our organization!

Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive

2350 Monroe

Dearborn, MI 48124

Page Last Updated: Mar 12, 2023 (06:50:00)
  • Local 412

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