Local 412
Retiree's Corner

Updated mailing addresses needed
Jun 23, 2021
Please send an updated mailing address to: dfd189@gmail.
Updated retiree addresses
Feb 24, 2021
I have included a link that contains a list of all current retirees. If you could please take a look and make sure all of your information is current. And take the time to add your email. This would be a tremendous help in our efforts to improve the communication of important information. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EMFjzWic1h8lpdqyai2UZk8k36jk4tQX4KxEJfcmcTY/edit.
Retiree Assn Scholarship
Jun 15, 2013
This year we will again be offering scholarships to the children or grandchildren of association members, current police officers and firefighters who are taking college classes to enter the law enforcement/firefighter/EMT field. Each applicant will be eligible to receive up to $300 and $1,200 has been set aside for this purpose.
Spring 2013 Newsletter
Jun 15, 2013
Spring/Summer, 2013 Greetings Retirees:             Our next meeting will be Monday, September 23, 2013 at 7 p.m. at Jack Tate’s, 22144 Morley.
Fall 2012 Newsletter
Oct 12, 2012
October, 2012 Greetings Retirees:             Our next meeting will be the Christmas Party, Monday, December 3rd.   See Treasurer’s Report for information.             Our first meeting in 2013 will be Monday, April 8th at 7:00 p.m.
Fall 2010 Newsletter
Nov 03, 2010


Fall 2009 Newsletter Retirees
Oct 20, 2009


Retirees Association Meeting
Jun 15, 2013

The next meeting of the Retirees Association will be Monday, September 23, 2013 at 7:00p.m.

The meeting will be held at 22144 Morley (in the rear).

Refreshments will be served after the meeting

Retiree Health Care
Sep 05, 2009


Retiree Association
Sep 19, 2008

At the Retiree Association meeting the following officers were elected;

President;            Mike Birrell (fire)

Vice President;  Jim Sarb (police)

Treasurer;           Dave Wood (fire)

Secretary;           Ed Sikora (police)

C. Srull To be honored with a placque at Station 1
Mar 19, 2008
On Wednesday, March 19, 2008, the surviving children of  FF Charles Srull who died in the line of duty in 1929, were at Station 1 to help place the placque in his honor.   After the placque was placed on the wall FF Srull's family, son Donald, Daughters Mae and Grace and Grandson Todd had lunch with the Station 1 crew and after lunch were escorted to Woodmere Cemetary to visit their parents graves by the Chief and Eng. 3 and Ladder 3.
Who is Charles Srull?
Nov 19, 2007



Who was Charles Srull?


And why do we care?


Mike Birrell


In 1998 while working on a project for the department I came across some old annual reports.  Today’s reports are 30 – 40 pages long with charts and graphs, in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, they were one page partially hand written.  One item from the 1928 report caught my eye, the last line was that C. Srull was hurt at a fire and taken to the hospital.  At the end of the 1929 report was an accounting of those that had left the department; it noted that C. Srull had died.  I was curious but time constraints prevented me from finding if the two notations were related, that would have to wait for another day.  For the past year Don Linske, Joe Provost and I have been researching the history of the department and again ran into C. Srull.


Charles Srull was born in that section of Springwells twp. that is now Detroit in 1891.  Not much is known of his early life except that he was a semi-professional ball player and continued playing ball throughout his life.  Charles and his wife Ida were married in September of 1919 and moved to Springwells (Fordson) with their 3 small children in 1925, 2 other children were born there.  On July 1, 1926 Charles Srull began with the Fordson Fire Department earning $2500 per year, his badge number was #19 indicating he was one of our first members.


At 11:45 on August 3, 1928, Charles Srull after returning from painting hydrants responded on Engine 1 to a house fire at 10460 Morrow Circle.  The fire was caused by an iron left on a window sill and extended to the second floor and attic.  While advancing a hose line to the attic FF Srull fell on the stairs dislocating his left knee and suffered other unlisted injuries.  After a brief stay in the hospital FF Srull was able to return to work “light duty”.  According to the log books FF Srull was assigned light duty until his death and each workday he would report to the doctor’s office and had other stints in the hospital for unknown reasons.  Family accounts show that after is initial injury he was in declining health, that he had respiratory problems is indicated by his brother’s desire to get him on the ball field to “get his wind back”.  In December of 1929, FF Srull was admitted to Henry Ford Hospital where he died on December 22, 1929.  After a wake in his home at 5111 Maple he was buried with full honors of the Dearborn Fire Department.  In January of 1930, the Dearborn City Council voted to give Ida Srull and her children a pension based on his death, “from injuries received while in pursuit of duty.”   FF Charles Srull is survived by 3 of his children and several grandchildren and great grandchildren.


Now you know who Charles Srull is but why do we care?  We care because as a Dearborn Firefighter who gave his life in the “Line of Duty” he will forever be part of who we are and what we do.


Page Last Updated: Jun 23, 2021 (13:13:51)
  • Local 412

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