Population Figures from SEMCOG
Newest SEMCOG Numbers show an increase in Dearborn population of approximately 3,000 people as of last month.
Population and Households |
Census 2000 |
SEMCOG Mar 2008 |
Change 2000-2008 |
SEMCOG 2035 |
Total Population |
97,775 |
100,834 |
3,059 |
93,073 |
Group Quarters Population |
401 |
401 |
0 |
451 |
Household Population |
97,374 |
100,433 |
3,059 |
92,622 |
Housing Units |
38,981 |
39,198 |
217 |
- |
Households (Occupied Housing Units) |
36,770 |
36,102 |
-668 |
37,438 |
Residential Vacancy Rate |
5.7% |
7.9% |
2.2% |
- |
Average Household Size |
2.65 |
2.78 |
0.13 |
2.47 |
Annual Average |
Components of Population Change |
Census 1990-1999 |
SEMCOG 2000-2006 |
Natural Increase (Births - Deaths) |
728 |
984 |
Births |
1,649 |
1,893 |
Deaths |
921 |
909 |
Net Migration (Movement In - Movement Out) |
121 |
-541 |
Population Change (Natural Increase + Net Migration) |
849 |
443 |
Source: Michigan Department of Community Health Vital Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, and SEMCOG. |